
Ms. M White

Experience: 2 Years

    Vocal Attributes

  • Languages


  • Categories

    Animation, Commercial

  • Tones

    Caring , Casual , Cheerful, Conversational, Edgy, Enthusiastic, Friendly , Fun , Genuine, Informative, Matter-of-fact, Professional, Respectful, Sympathetic , Trustworthy, Upbeat, Authoritative, Witty

  • Vocal Age

    5 - 12 Child, 13 - 17 Teen, 18 - 34 Young adult, 35 - 54 Middle Age

  • Previous Clients

    PetSmart, Jet-Puffed, Studio Archion, Verda Runner Studios, NotHack Europa, Smoke Mirror Studios

  • About Me

    M. White is a professional female voice actor with a broadcast-quality home studio based in Las Vegas, NV. She provides voice over work for animation, video games, commercials, narration, audiobooks, eLearning and more.

    She gre....

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American Girl

Bonnie McKee
