Mr. V Kamboj
Experience: 10 Years
Hindi, Punjabi
Advertisements, Animation, Audiobooks, Biography, Business, Character, Child, Commercial, Corporate IVR, Customer Support, Documentaries, Educational, Elearning, Explainer Videos, Instructional, IVR, Narration, Promo, Public Announcement, Radio, Spotify Ads, Spritual, Television, Training, TVC, Youtube Videos
Cheerful, Conservative, Professional, Serious, Sympathetic , Upbeat, Authoritative
Vocal Age
13 - 17 Teen, 18 - 34 Young adult, 35 - 54 Middle Age, 55 + Senior
Previous Clients
Australia Radio, Zee Punjabi Channel, Various YouTube Channels
About Me
I have My Own Professional Voice Recording Studio. So can do work as per provided Deadlines. I can do up to 10 Different Voices in Hindi & Punjabi Language.
Vocal Attributes

American Girl
Bonnie McKee